The pursuit of flow

Accessing flow state is about creating that perfect alignment between your skills and the challenge at hand and immersing yourself fully in the moment. It’s an important theory and psychological construct when you consider the complexity and challenges presented by today’s globalised commerce and supply chains networks.

Today, enabling supply chains and commerce requires not only a fast flow of goods but also of data and processes. It requires modern, always up-to-date, fully integrated platforms and systems within which data can move freely without barriers.

At Manhattan, we like to talk about the unification of systems and processes, or as we refer to it, Supply Chain Commerce. And, at the very core of this concept is that interoperability and transparency we live and breathe, daily, as an organisation.

Organisations that need to manage all those fast - and often complex - flows of goods and data face a great challenge. To succeed, it is important to achieve a state of flow as an organisation, however, that is easier said than done, as it does not simply happen on demand.

With inspiring stories from customers, partners and employees, our eighth edition of Commerce Trends, will take you on a journey of exploration to a place where, as an organisation, you can hopefully find that special ‘flow state’ every team is looking to achieve.



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