Pieter is EMEA Leader, Supply Chain Commerce Strategies. Over the past 16 years he led the Manhattan team in the Benelux, Denmark and Germany. He was co-founder of the EMEA Commerce Trends 9 years ago.


What did you dream of becoming when you were growing up?

With a nurse for a mother and a highly skilled engineer for a father, our family gravitated towards careers in medicine or engineering. I was no different - torn between becoming a plastic surgeon one day and a bridge builder the next. Ultimately, I pursued engineering, choosing mechanics over civil engineering. Yet, my mother’s influence shaped me profoundly; her emotional intelligence and focus on others are qualities I share. They’ve helped me grow into a professional who supports others while maintaining a strong commitment to quality and analytical precision as an engineer. But if you ask me today what I truly would have loved to be, it’s something entirely different: a music performer, a rockstar (editor: think Bruce Springsteen!) captivating an audience of 60,000 with a two-hour show.


What is your favourite leisure activity?

I don’t have a major passion, but I enjoy riding my gravel bike alone, listening to music through my earphones, and cycling through nature. I also enjoy spending time with other people, such as a nice meal with my wife, my daughter or my father.


Who is your leader by example?

I was very impressed by Nelson Mandela. It is incredible how he dedicated his life to equality and freedom. Everyone would have understood if he had been resentful after his years of imprisonment. But instead, he took a conciliatory stance which initiated a peaceful transformation in South Africa. I found his attitude towards life fantastic and inspiring. If we could occasionally apply it in the smaller world in which we operate, we could truly make a difference.


How would you describe yourself as a leader?

My leadership style is generally relationship-oriented and coaching-focused. I find great joy in watching my team members grow and do everything I can to support their development. However, there are times when I take a more directive approach, especially when addressing situations where quality expectations are not being met.


If you could recruit one person to work for Manhattan, who would that be and why?

I don’t have to think long about this, it would undoubtedly be my former colleague and friend Miguel Milano. About twenty years ago, he worked one level below me but I saw his potential and sponsored him to perform at a level above me, with me as his right hand. Together we were very successful. Soon after, he was headhunted and his career soared to the C-suite of a global software vendor. I sponsored him not just because of his intelligence but, above all, his tremendous, infectious energy. Miguel had the unique ability to sell himself, his team and his company, energising everyone around him. He once told me that I would be the first person he would hire if he ever started his own company, but that day never came.


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