Warehouses are a fundamental piece of modern supply chains - vital to ensuring goods can reach customers effi ciently, effectively and on time. Yet, many are in need of innovation, with increased investment and resources required to ensure truly effective operations, and to become a key asset in supporting their organisations’ future. To fi nd out more, Manhattan Associates commissioned market research specialist Vanson Bourne to interview 2,000 supply chain professionals across multiple countries and industry sectors.



Warehouse challenges are considerable, with improvements required in several key areas. Almost all organisations (99%) report they are experiencing challenges in their warehouse operations, including out-of-date IT hardware/software (28%), operational complexity (27%) and diffi culties managing different channels (e.g. in-store/ecommerce) (26%), infl uenced by low adoption rates of the more innovative warehouse management solutions. As well as diffi culties around productivity (23%), these challenges are leading to lower satisfaction levels within warehouse operations, and high staff turnover rates. Tackling these challenges will be vital to ensure warehouse operations remain sustainable and organisations can retain or develop a competitive advantage.



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Looking to the future

Organisations’ focus areas for transforming their warehouse operations are infl uenced by their current challenges, including meeting demands from customers (36%), taking advantage of new revenue or sales opportunities (35%) and warehouse staff retention (31%). Staff are also excited about the possibilities of generative AI (75%) and robotics (72%) to improve their job roles, with GenAI and similar low-code applications facilitating the creation of more sophisticated capabilities and effi cient applications. Meeting these priorities will require innovation to ensure the warehouse is fully ready for the future.



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